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IHBC Cangen Cymru/Wales Branch

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Yn dod i rym o cyfarfod pwyllgor a gynhaliwyd ar 17 Tachwedd 2023, mae swyddogion y gangen fel a ganlyn:
With effect from a committee meeting held on 17 November 2023, the branch officers are as follows:

Cadeirydd (Dros dro)
Chair (Acting)

Dr Sam Johnson waleschair@ihbc.org.uk

Is-gadeirydd (Dros dro)
Vice Chair (Acting)

Kathryn Moore


Heb ei lenwi/Vacant

Ysgrifennydd dros dro
Acting Secretary

Jude Wheeler WalesSecretary@ihbc.org.uk


Heb ei lenwi/Vacant

Cyfarwyddwr Bwrdd SCAH ac Ymddiriedolwr Cymru
IHBC Board Director & Trustee for Wales

Peter Wood

Cynrychiolydd cangen ar Gyngor SCAH
Branch representative on IHBC Council

Heb ei lenwi/Vacant (2 swydd/positions)

Cynrychiolydd cangen ar Grŵp Amgylchedd Hanesyddol (GAH) Llywodraeth Cymru
Branch representative on Welsh Government Historic Environment Group (HEG)

Matt Pyart

Ysgrifennydd Aelodaeth
Membership Secretary

Heb ei lenwi/Vacant

Ysgrifennydd Digwyddiadau
Events Secretary

Kathryn Moore

Ysgrifennydd Ymgynghoriadau
Consultations Secretary

Peter Wood


Matt Pyart

Committee members:
James Drew

Cyfarfodydd Pwyllgor y Gangen
Branch Committee Meetings

Cynhelir cyfarfod nesaf pwyllgor y gangen ddydd Gwener 15 Mawrth 2024 am 12pm ar Zoom – cyhoeddir y rhaglen a’r ddolen ymuno yn nes at y dyddiad.

The next branch committee meeting will be held on Friday 15 March 2024 at 12pm via Zoom – the agenda and joining link will be issued nearer to the date.

Cynhelir y cyfarfodydd canlynol ar y trydydd dydd Gwener o bob mis am 11am ar Zoom::

15 Mawrth 2024 - Yr amser cychwyn nawr yw 12yh

19 Ebrill 2024

17 Mai 2024

The following meetings will be held on the third Friday of each month at 11am via Zoom:

15 March 2024 Start time now 12pm

19 April 2024

17 May 2024

Cofnodion cyfarfodydd blaenorol y pwyllgor
Minutes and Notes of previous committee meetings

16th February 2024

8th July 2016
26th January 2016

5th November 2015
26th June 2015
22nd May 2015
25th February 2015

16th December 2014
22nd October 2014
14th February 2014

22nd November 2013
28th June 2013
12th April 2013
15th February 2013

27th April 2012
16th February 2012

13th May 2011
7th February 2011

12th August 2010
14th June 2010
16th April 2010
22nd February 2010

23rd September 2009
23rd July 2009
22nd May 2009
25th March 2009
2nd February 2009

Cofnodion Cyfarfodydd Cyffredinol Blynyddol
Minutes of Annual General Meetings

IHBC Wales AGM no.22 - 11th May 2022
IHBC Wales AGM no.21 - 5th July 2019
IHBC Wales AGM no. 20 - 20th April 2017
IHBC Wales AGM No. 19 - 20th April 2016
IHBC Wales AGM No.16 - 11th November 2012
IHBC Wales AGM No.14 - 19th November 2010
IHBC Wales AGM No.13 - 7th December 2009
IHBC Wales AGM No.12 - 21st November 2008
IHBC Wales AGM No.11 - 2nd November 2007
IHBC Wales AGM No.10 - 3rd November 2006
IHBC Wales AGM No.9 - 11th November 2005
IHBC Wales AGM No.8 - 3rd December 2004
IHBC Wales AGM No.7 - 6th June 2003

Wales Branch Conference
Friday, September 20 0930 - 1630
Gregynog Hall, Newtown SY16 3PL

Join us for this day conference which will include updates on Heritage at Risk in Wales from CADW and RCAHMW, and an explanation of what the new Historic Environment Act will mean for those of us working in conservation in Wales, from Charles Mynors. There will also be an exclusive tour of the house and at risk structures in the grounds, in person networking opportunities, and the day will conclude with the Branch AGM.

Tickets £40 IHBC Members, £50 Non-Members. Limited number of student tickets available at £10 each.

Programme (may be subject to change)

9:30am – 10am registration and refreshments

10am – IHBC Wales Branch welcome and introduction

10:15am - Heritage at Risk, the launch of the public facing website, and other relevant CADW updates including state of Buildings at Risk in Wales currently, Anna Irwin, CADW

10:45am - Historic places of worship at risk in Wales. Susan Fielding, RCAHMW

11:15am – Break

11:45am – Communities tackling heritage at risk. Adam Hitchings, AHF

12:15 pm - Challenges and Changes to legislation and policy in Wales, Historic Environment Wales Act and beyond. Charles Mynors

1:00pm – Panel Q&A

1:30pm – Lunch

2:30pm – Tours of Gregynog Hall and Grounds

4:00pm – Coffee and short in person Branch AGM.

4:30pm - Close

Full details and booking

Grŵp Amgylchedd Hanesyddol Llywodraeth Cymru

Sefydlodd Gweinidogion Cymru’r fforwm lefel uchel hwn i gael trosolwg strategol o faterion a chyfleoedd yn yr amgylchedd hanesyddol - gan gynnwys newid yn yr hinsawdd, sgiliau a gwerth economaidd yr amgylchedd hanesyddol - a hyrwyddo dulliau cyffredin o fynd i’r afael â’r rhain. Mae'r grŵp yn cynnwys cynrychiolwyr o'r prif sefydliadau yng Nghymru sydd â buddiannau amgylchedd hanesyddol, gan gynnwys yr IHBC, ac yn cyfarfod tua bob chwarter. Mae Cadw yn darparu rôl weithredol ac mae’n rhan o Adran Celfyddydau a Chwaraeon Llywodraeth Cymru sy’n atebol i’r Dirprwy Weinidog, Dawn Bowden AS.

Mae'r ffeiliau sip a ganlyn yn cynnwys y prif bapurau a gyflwynwyd yng nghyfarfodydd y Grŵp Amgylchedd Hanesyddol.

Welsh Government Historic Environment Group

The Welsh Ministers established this high-level forum to take a strategic overview of issues and opportunities in the historic environment — including climate change, skills and the economic value of the historic environment — and promote common approaches to address these. The group is made up of representatives from the major organisations in Wales with historic environment interests, including the IHBC, and meets approximately quarterly. Cadw has an executive role and is part of the Welsh Government’s Arts and Sport Department answerable to the Deputy Minister, Dawn Bowden MS.

The following zip files contain the principal papers presented at HEG meetings.

HEG 62 - 30 June 2022

The key papers to note from HEG 62 are the update from Cadw relating to the imminent launch of the draft Historic Environment (Wales) Bill on 4 July 2022, and the latest Sector Adaptation Plan documents relating to Climate Change in Wales.
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