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The mark of the conservation professional


Publications produced by the Institute

Care for your church
IHBC Northern Ireland Branch
Care for your Church and Church Property

A small regular investment in maintenance can limit the need for, or extent of, expensive repairs: the annual cleaning of gutters and drains can be much cheaper and less inconvenient than having to cope with a serious outbreak of dry rot in timber roof trusses following years of neglect.

Old buildings also contain ‘embodied energy’. All the effort and materials it took to build them in the past will be wasted if they are allowed to rot, which is hardly a sustainable position in the Age of Sustainability.

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Conservation Professional Practice Principles
Conservation Professional Practice Principles

This guide provides an overview of built and historic environment practice for conservation professionals across the United Kingdom. It has been developed to raise awareness of the skills and specialisms necessary to properly manage, conserve and develop historic places and buildings. It recognises international, national and devolved UK legislation, policy and statements, and how they operate in practice.

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Conservation Wiki
Conservation Wiki
Part of Designing Buildings Wiki
Context Archive
The CONTEXT on-line Archive

Context is the official magazine of the Institution. It is produced bi-monthly from March to December and is distributed to all members of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation. It provides news and views on all aspects of building conservation with regular articles by the foremost protagonists in the field.

Full copies may be viewed on-line six months after their publication, while the on-line archive also provides a searchable database and reference for key articles.

Latest issue no.133 added 10th September 2014

Visit the Context Archive


Context is the official magazine of the Institute. It is produced
bi-monthly from March to December - the January edition being replaced by the IHBC Handbook and is distributed free to all members of the Institute of Historic Building Conservation. It provides news and views on all aspects of building conservation with regular articles by the foremost protagonists in the field.

Context is edited by Rob Cowan. All enquiries should be directed to: editor@ihbc.org.uk Context is published five times a year.

Full details

Yearbook cover

The Yearbook is the IHBC’s annual covering key current issues and carrying both information for members and contact details of our membership.

To advertise appropriate products and services in the IHBC yearbook, please contact our publisher Cathedral Communications on ihbc@cathcomm.co.uk, 01747 871717


Published by Cathedral Communications Ltd
To order Contact Lydia Porter
IHBC Admin Officer
Tel: 01747 873133
fax: 01747 871718
email: admin@ihbc.org.uk

A Stitch in Time
A Stitch in Time

Maintaining Your Property Makes Good Sense and Saves Money .

'A STITCH IN TIME' is advice for building owners prepared by the Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) in association with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB).

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You, the user, may print a copy of this PDF for your own personal non commercial use.

Stopping the Rot
Stopping the Rot

A Guide to Enforcement Action to Save Historic Buildings

IHBC and English Heritage (2011 edition)

Click for PDF download

This IHBC authored version of the guide has been updated and superseded by the more recent guidance at https://historicengland.org.uk/images-books/publications/stoppingtherot/

Valuing Our Heritage
Valuing Our Heritage
Making Heritage Work
Making Heritage Work
Sustainability and Conservation of the Historic Built Environment
Sustainability and Conservation of the Historic Built Environment – an IHBC Position Statement
Valuing Historic Places
Valuing Historic Places
© Copyright IHBC

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